Set sail for murder

Sunday, March 6, 2016

All Things Wise and Wonderful

In "All Things Wise and Wonderful" James Herriot tells about his time with the RAF during World War II, but mostly his memory goes back to his veterinary practice and his wife Helen. I usually like the stories about the Farnon brothers the best, although there is the tender tales of Helen which I also enjoy. His son is born while he is away. He doesn't share much of his RAF days, but he does tell of an operation that he had which made him unfit for flying after all his training. He sits out the war at various duties with the RAF, but not combat duty. He goes absent without leave when he worries about Helen and her pregnancy, but slipping away reassures him of her health and makes the trip home on the bus worth his risk. The continuation of the trials of a country vet are heartwarming. He is humble in the retelling of his early years as a country vet in the late 1930's. These books were bestsellers in the 1970's.    

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