Set sail for murder

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Challenger by another blogger, I am reading Snow by Orhan Pamuk, translated from the Turkish by Maureen Freely, 2004. It is a difficult book to read. The protagonist, Ka, visits his hometown Kars, in the middle of a snowstorm that cuts off the town from the rest of Turkey. He is only visiting; he has immigrated to Frankfurt, Germany. A poet, he returns to find a woman he remembers from his past as a schoolmate. Hearing she is single, he returns to ask her to marry him. As he travels through the city, he finds an inner happiness that brings forth his poems freely, writing them down in his notebook that he carries in his hip pocket. He is caught up in a revolution, with violent repercussions. The thoughts of the Islamic fundamentalists are told to him, a non-practicing Islamic. Halfway through the book, I am trying to stay with it.

1 comment:

Jackie (Farm Lane Books) said...

It isn't an easy read, but I think it is worth it in the end. Stick with it!