At the Tipp City Library we have two book discussion groups. For the Booklovers we read a variety of books, from literary, non-fiction, to memoirs. Sometimes I will even throw in a romance, a light read, or a mystery. I have tried to eliminate reading an author more than twice, but it happens a few times. The goal of Booklovers is to introduce new types of books to our patrons to read. Many times the books on hold will be picked up and read by the patrons who do not want to participate in the discussion. I like to see that. For Booklovers our next read is
Ape House by Sara Gruen. She also wrote
Water for Elephants which turned out to be very popular and was even made into a movie.
Ape House is a novel about the bonobo apes that communicate with sign language and have special computer skills to show what they wish to have such as pears or special blankets for their "nests". Join our discussion on Agust 27, Monday night at 7 pm, the fourth Monday of the month.
The Tipp City Library hosts a Mystery Lovers Book Discussion on the second Monday of the month. The next discussion will be Monday, September 10th at 7 p.m. The group will be discussing a Susan C. Shea Dani O'Rourker mystery:
Murder in the Abstract. This a debut novel, with hopes for more demand for the series. Books are available at the front desk to pick up. Both of these groups are open to the public at any time, so feel free to join the discussion.
For the Mystery Lovers group the fall selction is October 8:
The Victoria Vanishes by Christopher Fowler; November 12:
Body Line by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles; and December 10:
The Confession by Charles Todd.
The Booklovers group also have their schedule set for the fall. September 24:
Every Secret Thing by Ann Tatlock; October 22:
In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler's Berlin; November 26:
Where Lilacs Still Bloom by Jane Kirkpatrick. Booklovers does not meet in December.
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