We are reading this Jodi Picoult book for our Book Lover's Discussion group, April 27 at 7 pm. This author's books are always jumping off the shelves here at the Tipp City Library. She writes about serious topics that are considered "ripped from the headlines". Difficult subjects that are hard to face for certain people who want their books to have a happy ending. Don't expect that from Jodi Picoult. Expect to be challanged in your thinking, what would you do in a certain dilemma, what would be the moral thing to do, what is the acceptable way of thinking? Her line of thinking stretches the readers mind around a different way of viewing the subject. After we read this book about a daughter and her parents and how they think, we are going to read,
Those Who Save Us by Jenna Blum. Two different points of view are presented in Blum's book, the daughter who never understood her own mother, and the mother who could never tell her own daughter what she had to endure to survive. We never will know how or what we would do in different circumstances.