I just finished
Mrs. McGinty's Dead by Agatha Christie.
I can always get into an Agatha Christie novel easily. I wonder what makes her style so easily read. I must have started reading her books in my early teens, after I saw the movie,
Agatha Christie's Ten Little Indians with Hugh O'Brian and Fabian, made in 1965. Funny, I still like to do it that way instead of seeing the movie after the book. I think it is because if I really like a movie then I want to get the rest of the story. And I was disappointed with the movie
Gone With the Wind after I had read the book more than once. Does anybody do that, enjoy a book so much, that you will sit right down and start reading the book again? Last summer I was reading
High Tide for Tucson by Barbara Kingsolver, and immediately I started all over again at the beginning, then I had to go out and buy the book, and get a copy for my sister. Most books I buy I have already read once. Speaking of Barbara Kingsolver, I am still reading
Animal Vegetable Miracle for our book discussion group April 28th. Makes me anxious for our Farmer's market to open up. Here is a link to the Tipp City's farmers markets and their dates of operation.
Tipp City Farmer's Market"My goal this growing season is to buy more local and cook from scratch more often. I am going to keep track of what I spend on local produce and consider joining CSA,Community Supported Agriculture (And Other Farm Subscriptions)next year.